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Bat talk - Bats, Bulbs, Bollards and Black-outs by Cody Levine CEcol CEnv MCIEEM - Kenilworth Senior Citizens' Club

Light pollution adversely impacts people, wildlife and our ecosystem services, and is a rapidly growing problem as levels of Artificial Light at Night (ALaN) have increased more than 49% in the last 30 years. In 2019 Worcester’s “red light district for bats” made national headlines. Worcestershire's ‘dark corridors’, amber and red lighting trials all feature as case studies in the 2023 guidance for lighting professionals (Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) / Institute of Lighting Professionals (ILP) GN08/23 ‘Guidance Note for Bats and Lighting’). Cody will talk about the implications of ALaN on bats (and broader biodiversity), and reveals more about Worcestershire’s approaches to ‘wildlife-sensitive’ lighting.

About Cody Levine:
Cody is Ecology Team Leader at Worcestershire County Council.
He has worked in ecology-related roles in the public, private, academic and charitable sectors for around 20 years, and has a particular interest in dormice, bats and green infrastructure. He often complains at doing far more planning-related work than fieldwork, but from time-to-time is spotted in the wild enjoying bat group events and projects.

The talk will be delivered in person at the Kenilworth Senior Citizens' Club and online on Zoom.
Everyone Welcome!

£3 for Warwickshire Bat Group members or £4 for non members. You can pay cash on the door or buy tickets in advance on Eventbrite, tickets will be available nearer the date.

Kenilworth Senior Citizens' Club, Abbey End Car Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire. CV8 1QJ


Wednesday, 13 November 2024 19:30 - 21:30

Bat talk - Kenilworth Senior Citizens' Club

The talk will be delivered in person at the Kenilworth Senior Citizens' Club
Everyone Welcome!

£3 for Warwickshire Bat Group members or £4 for non members. You can pay cash on the door or buy tickets in advance on Eventbrite, tickets will be available nearer the date.

Kenilworth Senior Citizens' Club, Abbey End Car Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire. CV8 1QJ


Wednesday, 11 December 2024 19:30 - 21:30

Bat talk - Nottinghamshire’s Miner to Major Project - the batty bits by John Parker - Kenilworth Senior Citizens' Club

Miner2Major was a five-year Landscape Partnership Scheme (2019-2023) aiming to promote and safeguard the natural, built and cultural heritage at the historic core of Sherwood Forest, engaging local communities through a variety of people-focused projects.

NBG’s role in this project was to carry out surveys, primarily using static detectors, to determine the presence of some of our rarer bat species, barbastelle, Leisler’s and serotine bats within the Sherwood forest area. John will be talking about how it went and what they’ve learned.

About John Parker:
John is the chair of the Nottinghamshire Bat Group.

The talk will be delivered in person at the Kenilworth Senior Citizens' Club and online on Zoom.
Everyone Welcome!

£3 for Warwickshire Bat Group members or £4 for non members. You can pay cash on the door or buy tickets in advance on Eventbrite, tickets will be available nearer the date.

Kenilworth Senior Citizens' Club, Abbey End Car Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire. CV8 1QJ


Wednesday, 8 January 2025 19:30 - 21:30

Bat talk - Kenilworth Senior Citizens' Club

The talk will be delivered in person at the Kenilworth Senior Citizens' Club and online on Zoom.
Everyone Welcome!

£3 for Warwickshire Bat Group members or £4 for non members. You can pay cash on the door or buy tickets in advance on Eventbrite in person or on Zoom

Kenilworth Senior Citizens' Club, Abbey End Car Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire. CV8 1QJ


Wednesday, 12 February 2025 19:30 - 21:30

Bat talk - Kenilworth Senior Citizens' Club

The talk will be delivered in person at the Kenilworth Senior Citizens' Club
Everyone Welcome!

£3 for Warwickshire Bat Group members or £4 for non members. You can pay cash on the door or buy tickets in advance on Eventbrite, tickets will be available nearer the date.

Kenilworth Senior Citizens' Club, Abbey End Car Park, Kenilworth, Warwickshire. CV8 1QJ


Wednesday, 12 March 2025 19:30 - 21:30